De Hammond van Elvis Presley

Op een website vonden we ooit de openbare verkoping van "De Hammond van Elvis Presley". De authenticiteit van dit bericht kunnen we niet controleren, maar het is wel een ardige anekdote.
Hieronder de gevonden tekst:

Other historic auction items include this Hammond Organ from Elvis Presley’s Graceland home bedroom, which is estimated to fetch between $14,000 and $16,000 at the auction.

By 1977, Elvis had gifted the instrument to his friend and dentist Dr. Lester Hofman after he went for check up to his home.
In an authentic letter signed by Sterling Hofman, the wife of the dentist and also by Stephen M.Shutts, who have gone on record to say the organ came as a surprise from Elvis the day his teeth had been examined. There is also a copy of the photograph showing Dr. Hofman playing this instrument, in Elvis World.

It concerns a Hammond organ from Elvis Presley's Graceland bedroom, gifted by Presley to his dentist and friend Dr. Lester Hofman in February 1977. It apparently is a 5000 Maverick series organ bearing serial number 497886. Accompanied by a signed letter of authenticity from Sterling B. Hofman, Dr. Hofman's wife and Stephen M. Shutts, both stating that Dr. Hofman had gone to Graceland to examine Presley's teeth and Presley had the organ delivered to Hofman's home that same evening as a surprise. The two had a 20 year friendship, during which dr. Hofman visited Presley at Graceland several times. Also included is a copy of Elvis World newsletter, issue #71, which features a photograph of Dr. Hofman playing the organ. Courtesy international shipping will be provided for the buyer of the organ. Estimate: $14,000 - $16,000.

On one trip to Graceland, Dr. Hofman saw an organ in the house and told Elvis he admired the instrument. Before the evening was over, Elvis had packed the organ in a pickup truck and when Dr. Hofman returned home in the wee hours, the truck followed and the organ was installed in his living room.

Mr. Hofman was a well liked Memphis dentist. In Memphis history, the last stop Elvis Presley made before his untimely death, while accompanied by his girlfriend Ginger Alden shortly after midnight August 15th, was to Dr. Hofman's office to have his teeth cleaned and a filling. Lester and his wife Sterling were close friends of Elvis.
Elvis gifted new cars to them as well as an organ that had been a fixture at Graceland.
Dr Hofman is pictured at right with the organ.

Hier Dr. Hoffman met zijn vrouw in 2002 

Hier het type orgel waar dit verhaal over ging.